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Gender Pay Gap Report 2022/2023


  • The Government requires all organisations with over 250 staff to calculate and publish the difference in average pay between all men and women in the organisation.
  • HRP’s results can be found below. The mean and median hourly gender pay gap calculations show a snapshot of the average organisational position as of 05 April 2023. The mean and median bonus pay gap relates to the 12-month period up to and including 05 April 2023.
  • Where relevant, comparisons have been made to the results that were published for the 2021-22 year.

Gender Pay Reporting Results

HRP’s results are as follows, with the 2021-22 results shown in brackets:

  • Mean hourly gender pay gap = 5.41% lower for women (2.29% in 2021-22)
  • Median hourly gender pay gap = 4.05% lower for women (4.39% in 2021-22)


Upper Quartile: 41% (39%) men, 59% (61%) women

Upper Mid Quartile: 47% (49%) men, 53% (51%) women

Lower Mid Quartile: 43% (45%) men, 57% (55%) women

Lower Quartile: 32% (35%) men, 68% (65%) women

() = 2021-22 figure

Bonus Pay Data Reporting Results

  • Mean bonus gender pay gap = 17.8% (0% in 2021-22)
  • Median bonus gender pay gap = 0% (0% in 2021-22)
  • Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment = 79.2% of males and 65.9% of females (0% of males and 0% of females in 2021-22)

Analysis of Data

Here is some further context to help you understand these results.

Hourly Pay Gap

  • Our hourly pay gap (mean) has increased because we have recruited a higher proportion of females since the last report, but they are mainly in jobs in the bottom three quartiles of pay.
  • The Executive team (including the Chief Executive), which sits in the upper quartile of pay, comprises 3 females and 6 males. This includes an additional male Director who has been recruited since the last report.
  • This results in the proportion of females in the lower quartile increasing by three percentage points and the proportion of females in the upper quartile decreasing by two percentage points, whereas for males the opposite has occurred. This will therefore have an impact on the hourly pay gap (mean) results.

Length of service and removal of automatic progression point pay increases

  • Pay ranges/grades are determined for each role using a comprehensive Hay job evaluation framework. Normal practice is for new starters to be paid at the bottom progression point of the respective pay range for their role.
  • As a result of the financial impact of the pandemic, we made several difficult decisions in order to ensure the longer-term survival of the Charity, including the decision not to reinstate our automatic progression point pay increases once we were able to reintroduce a pay award. We are addressing the progression point issue in our current pay review which will impact next year’s report.


  • There are a number of roles that attract allowances which are found in departments with a higher proportion of male staff, such as security functions, Yeoman body, IS, maintenance, etc. This impacts the hourly pay gap.

HRP bonus

  • Our bonus gap mean is 17.8% and our bonus gap median is 0% for the reporting period. As bonuses are calculated pro rata based on the individual’s contractual hours, the bonus gap mean has likely come as a result of 82% of our part-time staff being female. The median is 0% as we paid a fixed amount for most staff who were eligible for the bonus during the reporting period, rather than a percentage of basic pay.
  • Our Charity was not in a financial position to award any bonuses for the 2021-22 financial year.


We will continue to:

  • Carry out a full review of our pay and grading structure, as we want to ensure there remains an objective and equitable framework for how we determine pay levels for each role, and that any remuneration is fairly proportioned between both genders where practicable. We are addressing the progression point issue in our current pay review which will impact next year’s report. We will also be moving to a new pay and grading structure in April 2025 which will not likely have a progression point system; this will better ensure fair and equitable pay for the role rather than being based on tenure, and should reduce the hourly pay gap as a result.
  • Take action to further support and promote female talent and succession within the organisation, especially in senior roles.
  • Promote gender diversity in roles which have traditionally been perceived as being more ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ (i.e., roles with a security element which are generally dominated by men, and seasonal/casual roles which are generally dominated by women).

In addition to the above, we will also start to monitor and assess if there are any pay or bonus gaps for staff with other protected characteristics, such as ethnicity. With the support of our staff Inclusivity Network, we will develop targeted action plans to promote an increase in diversity in recruitment and succession of underrepresented groups, in line with our ambition to be a charity for everyone